The Original Outdoor Fountains

The water from rivers and other sources was originally supplied to the occupants of nearby towns and municipalities by way of water fountains, whose purpose was mainly practical, not artistic. A supply of water higher in elevation than the fountain was required to pressurize the movement and send water spraying from the fountain's nozzle, a system

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Free Drinking Fountains in Berkley, California

The 1st American city to implement a tax on sweet drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. By taxing sugary drinks, the city hopes to motivate a lot more people to go with healthier options, such as water. Attempts were made to find out the state of local drinking water fountains in both high- and low-income neighborhoods. Facts on the city

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Free Drinking Fountains in Berkley, California

The 1st American city to implement a tax on sweet drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. By taxing sugary drinks, the city hopes to motivate a lot more people to go with healthier options, such as water. Attempts were made to find out the state of local drinking water fountains in both high- and low-income neighborhoods. Facts on the city

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